Anne told me she ordered a new fridge 2 days ago.Tom said he left to Paris from London yesterday.Jack told them to return him the money right now.I asked him not to touch anything.He promised to go home early.Mike advised her to do swimming.We suggested they go to the theatre tomorrow.He said his party would start early, but it would end quite late.Richard said he might call her next week.She suggested he stay home as it was raining outside.Sophia said she wanted to get a better job.She said she was painting now and couldn't go outside with them.Paul asked her if she was working tomorrow morning.George asked me if I loved chocolate.He asked me if I was a student.Maria asked me if I was busy.He asked me how I got there.John said he forgot to pay the bill.She said she already bought me a gift.He asked what I was doing now.
James is a smart guy, he has to study a lot!
Lorenz and Susan live in a really old house, they have to buy a new one.
Do you really have to speak so fast? I have to write down every single word!
No, you don't have to write down every word I say, just the most important ideas!
Oh, look at the time! I have to run or I’ll miss the train!
You don't have to run, the train is going to be delayed.
She has wonderful hair but she has to wash it every day.
We can share a taxi if you want to. You don't have to walk home.
Exercise 2.
Match the name of an animal with its place of living.
1. lion b. den
2. rabbit e. burrow
3. mouse d. hole
4. dog f. kennel
5. cow c. shed
6. horse a. stable
7. bird f. kennel
a. stable
b. den
c. shed
d. hole
e. burrow
f. kennel
f. kennel