But this theory since by deep sea exploration. wherever there is life, radioactive substances into the biological cycle. a) are absorbed ә) has been disproving б)absorbed b) had been absorbed г)has been disproved ғ) was disproved д) are absorbing
Англия единственная страна, которая не хочет быть «Европой». Итальянцы и испанцы, тайно комплексуя, мечтают приобщиться к этому славному званию, восточные европейцы хотят того же — шумно и агрессивно, немцы делают вид, что они-то и есть Европа, хотя в глубине души не слишком в этом уверены, скандинавы живут в своем мире, даже и не рассчитывая на эту честь. И только англичане последовательно отказываются от подобной привилегии, всячески отделяя себя от всего мира, не входя ни в одно объединение. Они хотят быть сами по себе. И это им удается. Они знают, что они и есть — самая великая страна, своего рода «пуп» Вселенной.
The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes primary forms and junior and senior secondary forms. Children usually go to school at the age of 6 or 7. There are some pre-school institutions, like nursery schools or kindergartens, but they are not obligatory. Primary forms comprise 1 to 4 forms. Junior secondary forms comprise 5 to 9 forms. After the 9-th form children can enter technical schools of different types. Those who want to enter higher educational institutions should complete 10-11 forms. Students can also enter higher educational institutions after graduating from specialized colleges or lyceums. They prepare students in different fields, whether the humanities or the sciences. Some of them are organized under the authorities of higher educational establishments. The system of higher education is presented by universities, polytechnic institutes or specialized institutes. Universities offer a five-year course of study and usually have from six to twelve departments. Institutes train specialists for industry, agriculture and economy. Most of them have been conferred the status of Academy or University recently. Students are also offered post-graduate education and scientific research work. Nowadays due to the state of our national economy not many young people are engaged in research work. But still in some fields of science there are outstanding discoveries and research papers. Some universities and institutes have refresher courses. Recently a great number of private educational establishments have appeared. Some institutions have fee-paying groups or faculties. There the students may get education at the same high level as in the state institutions.