C Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
bring, not like, not see,do,stay,not have, not get up, get on,
live, not get, have.
2 home until about 7:00 in the evening-she's very har-working and she often 3 her laptop home and.
4 some more work after dinner.
My father's unemployed , so she 5 at the same time as my mum -he 6 in bed till 9:00
My brother's two years older than me. He's really into computers, he 7 a job with a computer company. We 8 the same interests at all-
he 9 sport, but i love it.
My grandfather and l 10 really well, although we 11 each other very often -he 12 in Scotland.
2. The telegram received yesterday.
3. Kate will send to London next week.
4. Jim ask at the lesson yesterday.
5. I gived a very interesting magazine at the post office last week.
6. Many houses build in our town every year.
7. This work will do next week.
8. This article translated at the last lesson.
9. These flowers planted last year.
10. Many interesting games always to play at our PE lessons.
11. This bone will give to my dog tomorrow.
12. We invited to a play last Saturday.
13. My question answered yesterday.
14. Mike plays hockey in every winter.
15. Mushrooms gather in autumn.
16. Many houses burned during the Great Fire of London in 1666.
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