Card 1. Prepare an individual talk on the topic ‘Our countryside’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) Do you know your hometown/village well?
2) Where is it situated?
3) What does it look like?
4) Do tourists like to visit your town/village?
5) Is your hometown a good place to live in? Why / Why not?
Card 2. Prepare an individual talk on the topic ‘Our countryside’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:
1) What is your favourite place in the countryside?
2) Where is it located?
3) What is special about it?
4) What can you do in this area?
5) Why do you like it?
Card 3. Prepare an individual talk on the topic ‘Our countryside’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:
1) What is the most interesting part of your hometown/village?
2) What jobs are popular in your hometown / village?
3) Is your home town / village changing?
4) Is it a good place to live? Why?
5) What can you change to make it better to live in?
Card 4. Prepare an individual talk on the topic ‘Our countryside’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:
1) Do you live in a town or village?
2) What kind of place is it?
3) Do you like living there?
4) What are the main tourist attractions in your home town / village?
5) What place there do you like best? Why?
Card 5. Prepare an individual talk on the topic ‘Drama and Comedy’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:
1) Who are the famous actors and musicians in your country? Why do you think so?
2) Who are your favourite actors and actresses?
3) Why do you think so?
4) Who is your favourite producer?
5) Why do people like watching comedies?
Card 6. Prepare an individual talk on the topic ‘Drama and Comedy’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:
1) What is the most popular cartoon among teenagers?
2) Do you like it? Why or why not?
3) Who do you usually watch it with?
4) Do your friends like watching this cartoon?
5) Why do children prefer watching cartoons?
Card 7. Prepare an individual talk on the topic ‘Drama and Comedy’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:
1) What is your favourite comedy show?
2) Can you give its name and actors?
3) What is the program about?
4) How often do you watch it?
5) Why do you like it?
Card 8. Prepare an individual talk on the topic ‘Drama and Comedy’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:
1) Do you have a favourite animal TV show?
2) What is the name of this animal TV show?
3) Why do you like it?
4) Who do you usually watch it with?
5) How did you feel after watching it?
Наш дом очень большой и уютный. Хотя он одноэтажный, в нем есть все удобства и место для каждого члена семьи. В нашем доме большая прихожая в которой есть вешалка для одежды и полки для обуви. Сразу из прихожей вы найдете себя в просторном коридоре и если свернете направо, то можете войти в зал, в котором мы проводим время все вместе по вечерам смотря телевизор или просто разговаривая о событиях дня. Если из коридора вы пойдете налево, вы найдете себя в столовой, где стоит большой стол и стулья. Здесь мы обедаем, завтракаем и ужинаем. Из столовой вы можете пройти в нашу кухню. Она просторная и очень современная. У нас много бытовой техники: холодильник, плита, посудомоечная машина, миксер, блендер, хлебопечка, микроволновая печь и разные очень нужные устройства для приготовления пищи. Из коридора вы можете пройти в маленький холл, в котором найдете дверь в ванную комнату и туалет. Если вы пройдете прямо то увидите мою комнату и спальню моих родителей. Моя комната замечательная, она большая и светлая. У меня есть все необходимое для меня: компьютерный стол, диван, два кресла, шкаф для одежды, большое зеркало и много плакатов на стене. Комната родителей тоже большая, но я редко туда захожу. У нас замечательный дом!