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Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice. Example: She gave me a pen. – The pen was given to me.

1. They play tennis all around the world.

2. The manager will sign contracts tomorrow.

3. The policeman fined the driver for exceeding the speed limit.

4. We usually send our children to camp for summer.

5. Alex will make a report at the conference.

6. The scientists will make a new discovery soon.

7. She sent them for a taxi.

8. She did not touch upon this question unfortunately.

9. The manager looked through all the advertisements very attentively.

10. Listen carefully! She is giving a very interesting talk.

11. The company was developing a new brand project.

12. The president of the board has signed the document.

13. I will have answered all the business letters by the end of the working day.

14. We had painted the walls by her arrival.

15. Scientists say that we should take care of our planet.

16. The chief agreed that the cub should raise membership fee.

17. He must send for lawyer immediately.

18. She is a good teacher. She can find a job easily.

19. I suppose they will meet us only in a month.

20. The journalists are interviewing the participants of the conference.

✍2. Open the brackets and use the verbs in appropriate form of the Passive Voice.

1. David wants to know when the final decision … (to take).

2. Don’t make a noise, we … (to listen) to.

3. The first draft resolution … ( not to discuss) yesterday, it … (to withdraw) long before the beginning of the negotiation.

4. The chief is not at work, he … (to send) to a special mission.

5. Do you suggest that this problem can … (to solve)?

6. The money … (to lend) to her three weeks ago, but it … (not to give) back yet.

7. This translation may … (to write) with a pencil.

8. The working day was in high gear: the mail … (to look) through, documents … (to type), letters … (to answer), talks … (to hold).

9. The contract which … (to sign) last month is discussing now.

10. If you … (to ask) about it, will you be able to answer?

11. A new factory … (to construct) now.

12. It must … (to do) without delays.

✍3. Open the brackets and use the verbs in appropriate form of the Passive Voice.

1. The government says tax reforms … (to introduce) next year.

2. In some countries, books … (to sell) in Kiosks as well as supermarkets.

3. A new CEO … (to elect) by the end of the month.

4. A new security system … (to install) in all our offices in the next few months.

5. At the moment, the president … (to interview) by the journalists.

6. The news … (to broadcast) at 5 o’clock every day.

7. The theatre … (to close down) four years ago.

8. There must be a mistake. The bill … (to pay) by my partner already.

9. The office … (to clean) twice a week in the morning.

10. The meeting … (to postpone) yesterday.

✍4. Translate into English.

1. Де виробляють оливкове масло? Його виробляють в Іспанії та Греції.

2. Коли привезуть нове обладнання? Нове обладнання привезуть наприкінці тижня.

3. Коли прибрали цей офіс? Дві години тому.

4. На Вас чекають біля входу до офісу. Ви на когось чекаєте?

5. Цю проблему зараз обговорюють на нараді директорів.

6. У нашому місті щойно побудували новий торгівельний центр, ти можеш пошукати роботу там.

7. Вас вже повідомили про зміни у роботі конференції? – Ще ні, але я сподіваюсь, що розклад буде змінено відповідно до вимог доповідачів.

8. Скільки разів на день годують тварин у зоопарку? – Їх годують два рази на день

9. Ви вже замовили обід? – Так, мені вже принесли першу страву.

10. Це питання повинно бути вирішеним не пізніше вівторка.

1.Text Made in Europe (reading, translating, retelling, exercises)

2.Why brands matter (listening, ex)

3. Grammar exercises Passive voice

Показать ответ
19.02.2020 20:15

1. They are happy because their child has entered the university. 

2. It  was great to see her last week 

3/ Sorry I  have not  phoned you earlier. 

4/ He was very sorry to hear that you  had not  came in time. 

5. Whenever I  drove past that restaurant, there always were a lot of people. 

6. Have You ever been to an open-air concert ? 

7. My parents were angry because I  had not passed my exam. 

8. His brother told him that he ate all the fruit which he bought

9. At this time two  weeks ago we were lying on the beach.

10. Beth (to becime) pale when she heard the news

11. I  was not  impressed with his new car when I saw it yesterday.

12. The Aztecs  was an American Indian tribe who lived in Mexico.

13. Yesterday when I  looked out of my window, I  saw that my children were runing in the garden.

14. I was sure he always  was your best friend

15. Janet  has/had  never taken part in the concerts

16. When she  came home, her son  was  having supper.

17. I  had  read all the articles before mother  came

0,0(0 оценок)
19.02.2020 20:15

1. They are happy because their child has entered the university. 

2. It  was great to see her last week 

3/ Sorry I  have not  phoned you earlier. 

4/ He was very sorry to hear that you  had not  come in time. 

5. Whenever I  drive past that restaurant, there always are a lot of people. 

6. Have You ever been to an open-air concert ? 

7. My parents were angry because I  had not passed my exam. 

8. His brother told him that he ate all the fruit which he had bought.

9. At this time two  weeks ago we were lying on the beach.

10. Beth became pale when she heard the news

11. I  was not  impressed with his new car when I saw it yesterday.

12. The Aztecs  was an American Indian tribe who lived in Mexico.

13. Yesterday when I  looked out of my window, I  saw that my children were running in the garden.

14. I was sure he always  was your best friend

15. Janet   never takes part in the concerts

16. When she  came home, her son  was  having supper.

17. I  had  read all the articles before mother  came

0,0(0 оценок)
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