1. Trade Union of the Construction Industry of Ukraine. 2. Trade Union of the Ukraine's Energy Industry. 3. Trade Union of the Mining Industry of Ukraine. 4. Trade Union of Meat and Dairy Industry of Ukraine. 5. Trade Union of the Machine-building Industry of Ukraine. 6. Trade Union of Health Workers of Ukraine. 7. The Trade Union of Education, Higher education and Research Institution Workers of Ukraine. 8. Trade Union of the Ukraine Shipbuilding Industry. 10. Trade Union of the Chemical Industry of Ukraine.
Задание №1
1. Bored, boring
2. Interested, interesting
3. Shocked, shocking
4. Embarrassed, embarrassing
5. Disappointed
6. Exhausting
Задание №2
1. Jim used to play in the team.
2. I used to know few famous people.
3. My granny used to enjoy knitting.
4. My skin used to look pale.
5. We didn't use to have a dishwasher.
Задание №3
2. Know
3. Do, believe
4. Do, agree
5. Don't understand
Задание №4
1. Aren't
2. Don't
3. Isn't
4. Don't
5. Doesn't
6. Isn't
7. Doesn't
8. Don't
9. Don't
10. Doesn't