Choose five verbs from experience 1. Write sentences saying what time you do these activities on a normal school day. 1. I wake up at half past seven. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Родилась София Фредерика Августа Анхальт-Цербстская 21 апреля (2 мая) 1729 года в тогда немецком городе Штеттин — столице Померании Ныне город называется Щецин и является столицей Западно воеводства Польши. Екатерина получила домашнее образование. Обучалась английскому, французскому и итальянскому языкам, танцам, музыке, основам истории, географии, богословия. Она росла резвой, любознательной, шаловливой и даже бедовой Политика Екатерины II характеризовалась в основном сохранением и развитием тенденций, заложенных её предшественниками
I went with a friend to the park, we went there , having fun , laughing. Took lots of photos . Then we went to a cafe and made a booking . Soon we were at the table and ate , the waiter came up to us and brought the bill . We had started to talk , it seemed to me that we can talk for hours. Until my friend told me another story , he was called and he ran away. When they came out of the cafe, we went for a walk along the avenue . Turning the corner , we said goodbye and went home . Almost reaching his house , I heard the screams and turned around. It was the young man with whom poznakoilisv cafe. His name is Jen. We walked and talked about my friend , because he knew that I already have a boyfriend . He asked to give him her phone number . Soon I began to see them together often . I am very glad that this day we stopped at the cafe, I am really glad for his girlfriend .