Choose the correct answer: 1. The most popular detective story created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A) The Lord of the Rings
B) Harry Potter
C) Sherlock Holmes
D) Winnie-the-Pooh
2. Who was going to be the next victim of the hound of the Baskervilles and was in danger?
A) Sir Henry
B) Dr Watson
C) Sir Hugo Baskerville
D) Sherlock Holmes
3. What is the genre of the book "The Time Machine" written by H.G. Wells?
A) detective
B) fairy tale
C) epic
D) science fiction
4. What creature did the main character of "The Time Machine" see when he was walking with his friend?
A) the hound of the Baskerville
B) a Morlock
C) birds
D) a witch
5. Define H.G. Wells's profession
A) a science teacher
B) a doctor
C) a painter
D) an architect
6. This genre involves a hero on an adventurous action to rescue another main character, to save the world in some manner, or to defend his community against enemy.
A) a detective story
B) an epic tale
C) a science fiction
D) a fairy tale
7. What was the name of Maadai-Kara's son?
A) Erlik
B) Altyn Küskü
C) Kögüdei Mergen
D) Kara Kula
8. The World Tree of the Kazakh steppe
A) Altai
B) Kara-Kula
C) an oak
D) Bayterek
9. Which of these statements about fairy tale is wrong?
A) Fairy tale are typically written for children
B) A fairy tale is a type of folktale
C) Fairy tales are often based on the detective's investigation.
D) It is a make-believe story that takes place in a fantasy world
10. Who suggested creating a garden for poor people?
A) wise man's student
B) a farmer
C) a shepherd
D) a wise man
ответ зимой в субботу мои лучшие друзья Эми, Мария, Грег, Энди и я решили провести выходные в большом старом доме моего дяди за городом. На улице была гроза, поэтому мы решили провести уютный вечер, болтая вместе в гостиной внизу. Внезапно налетел мощный порыв ветра. Свет замигал, а затем и вовсе погас. Что это было? - спросил я. "Не волнуйся, Джон, это просто отключение электроэнергии", - успокоил меня Грег. Мы продолжали смеяться и рассказывать страшные истории в темноте. Через некоторое время произошла яркая вспышка молнии, которая осветила всю комнату. Раздался громкий вздох. "Энди пропал! - воскликнула Эми. Мы все посмотрели друг на друга растерянно и испуганно, потому что никто не видел, как Энди выходил из комнаты. Мы ощупью обошли дом, звали Энди, но ответа не было. Мы вернулись в гостиную и попытались придумать, что делать дальше. Как раз в этот момент из угла комнаты донесся громкий храп. В этот момент снова зажегся свет. Там был Энди, крепко спящий на большом бархатном диване! Энди сонно сел, протирая глаза. "О, хорошо, свет снова зажегся!" - сказал он. "Мне хотелось спать, и мне хотелось вздремнуть. Я не хотел, чтобы кто-нибудь споткнулся обо меня, поэтому я подполз сюда". Мы все почувствовали большое облегчение. Джон, 13 лет
Summer is the best period for holidays, so many people schedule their holidays for this time of the year. Schools are also closed during summer months till September. Many schoolchildren say that it’s their favourite season of the year. .
I also enjoy summer holidays. We usually go to the Black Sea coast. My parents choose the city, book the hotel, buy the tickets and off we go. Sometimes we choose to go to Sochi, sometimes to Crimea. It doesn’t matter which city we visit, because sea and sun are the same everywhere and I like swimming and sunbathing very much. There are many picturesque cities and places to visit. .
Last year we went to Crimea. It wasn’t only a swimming and relaxing holiday. We also went on many excursions, even climbed the mountains. I can say that Crimea is one of the most fascinating places I’ve ever been to. It offers great opportunities for tourists. The climate is mild, the scenery is nice and there are many interesting historic monuments. The sea was also great. We really enjoyed our stay in Crimea. There is a good chance that we’ll visit it again this year. .
Another perfect idea for summer holidays is going to countryside, away from the city noise. My grandparents live there and they are always happy to see us.