Choose the correct forms to the sentences None of / Almost all of the kids from my school will be at the concert -not even one. 2. Almost half of / A quarter of the people in this room are going to be actors - that's about 45 percent. 3. What will be / was be the weather like tomorrow? 4. He'll to be /"Il be a successful adult. 5. Samuel are not going to / is not going to travel to Kenya. 6. Mum and dad are going to / is going to buy me a new laptop. 7. Helen is not here right now. She is on / at work. 8 We are filming the last scene on / in 3d of March.
2)Тhe choice of future work but their interests and abilities, you should know the requirements of your employer
3)Competence measures appropriateness person for a particular job.
4)Competence development is a long process that requires training and personal development. Competence grows through experience.
5)Well-considered decision to lead your team to success; a bad decision can lead to failure.
6)Many companies need people who can work effectively in different countries and cultures.A person must remember that the traditions and customs that he or she is used to may be inadmissible in another country. That is why one should be aware of intercultural differences.