Когда вы видите человека с бородой, разве он каким-то образом выглядит впечатляющим и важным? В истории человека это было так, как люди смотрели на бороды. Это был признак мужественности. Вот почему вы обнаружите, что в древние времена, когда был показан важный человек, его обычно показывали с бородой. Греческий бог, Зевс, был показан с бородой; рисунки, изображающие Бога, показали бороду; Авраам и король Артур всегда были изображены с бородой. В западной цивилизации нет общего правила о бородах. Иногда их считали стильными и правильными для мужчин, иногда никто не хотел бы видеть с бородой. Задолго до завоевания Англии норманнами борода считалась немодной и не носила мужчин. Затем стиль изменился, и бороды стали популярными снова. Короли Англии, которые установили моды, которые следовали за людьми, продемонстрировали разные вкусы для бороды. Например, у Генриха II нет бороды, у Ричарда II была маленькая борода, у Генриха III была длинная борода. К середине тринадцатого века большинство мужчин носили полные и скрученные бороды, и это было распространено в четырнадцатом веке. Затем, в пятнадцатом веке, снова исчезли бородки, и с шестнадцатого века он начал возвращаться в моду. Генрих VIII снова сделал бородку модой. Во времена королевы Елизаветы I, юристы, солдаты, придворные и купцы у всех были бородки, но когда Энн стала королевой Англии, никто, кто был кем-то, не носил ни бороду, ни усы, ни бакенбарды. На самом деле, когда Джордж III был заключен в тюрьму, и его борода была разрешена, многие из его последователей почувствовали, что это самое страшное и оскорбительное. Итак, вы видите, что бритье бороды для человека не было вопросом о бритве *. Они существуют тысячи лет. Надеть бороду или нет - это просто вопрос стиль: «Верные ложные» 1. В древние времена люди считали, что борода сделала человека более важным.(ПРАВДА) 2. Мода для бороды изменилась со временем.(ПРАВДА) 3. На Британских островах мужчины начали вытирать бороды только в результате Норманское завоевание(НЕПРАВДА) 4. Все Английские короли носили маленькие бороды.(НЕПРАВДА 5. Генрих VIII жил в шестнадцатом веке.(ПРАВДА) 6. Бритвы появились только недавно, и когда они появились, мода на бороды изменилась. (НЕПРАВДА)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies most of the territory of the British Isles. It consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of England, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff— of Wales and Belfast — of Northern Ireland. The UK is a small country with an area of some 244,100 square kilometres. It occupies only 0.2 per cent of the world's land surface. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north-west, north and south-west and separated from Europe by the North Sea in the east and by the English Channel in the south. The Strait of Dover or Pas de Calais is the narrowest part of the Channel. The North Sea and the English Channel are often called "the narrow seas"; they are not deep but are frequently rough.
In the west the Irish Sea and the North Channel separate the UK from Ireland. The seas around Britain provide exceptionally good fishing grounds. The country has many bays favourable for shipping. In their shelter are Britain's main ports such as London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Hull and others.
One will not find very high mountains or large plains in Great Britain. Everything occupies very little place. Nature, it seems, has carefully adapted things to the size of the island itself. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland, 4,406 feet high. The longest river is the Severn in England.
The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million people. Foreigners often call British people "English", but the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh do not consider themselves to be English. The English are Anglo-Saxon in origin, but the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish are Celts, descendants of the ancient people, who crossed over from Europe centuries before the Norman Invasion. It was this people, whom the Germanic Angles and Saxons conquered in the 5th and 6th centuries AD. These Germanic conquerors gave England its name — "Angle" land. They were conquered in their turn by the Norman French, when William the Conqueror of Normandy landed near Hastings in 1066. It was from the union of Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons that the English people and the English language were born.
The official language of the United Kingdom is English. But in western Scotland some people still speak Gaelic and in northern and central parts of Wales people often speak Welsh.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies most of the territory of the British Isles. It consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of England, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff— of Wales and Belfast — of Northern Ireland. The UK is a small country with an area of some 244,100 square kilometres. It occupies only 0.2 per cent of the world's land surface. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north-west, north and south-west and separated from Europe by the North Sea in the east and by the English Channel in the south. The Strait of Dover or Pas de Calais is the narrowest part of the Channel. The North Sea and the English Channel are often called "the narrow seas"; they are not deep but are frequently rough.
In the west the Irish Sea and the North Channel separate the UK from Ireland. The seas around Britain provide exceptionally good fishing grounds. The country has many bays favourable for shipping. In their shelter are Britain's main ports such as London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Hull and others.
One will not find very high mountains or large plains in Great Britain. Everything occupies very little place. Nature, it seems, has carefully adapted things to the size of the island itself. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland, 4,406 feet high. The longest river is the Severn in England.
The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million people. Foreigners often call British people "English", but the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh do not consider themselves to be English. The English are Anglo-Saxon in origin, but the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish are Celts, descendants of the ancient people, who crossed over from Europe centuries before the Norman Invasion. It was this people, whom the Germanic Angles and Saxons conquered in the 5th and 6th centuries AD. These Germanic conquerors gave England its name — "Angle" land. They were conquered in their turn by the Norman French, when William the Conqueror of Normandy landed near Hastings in 1066. It was from the union of Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons that the English people and the English language were born.
The official language of the United Kingdom is English. But in western Scotland some people still speak Gaelic and in northern and central parts of Wales people often speak Welsh.