Choose the correct word. 1 A [landfill / pollution] site is a large deep hole where people bury rubbish.
2 Many [natural / environmental] resources are not renewable.
3 People throw [away / up] tons of rubbish every day.
4 Thousands of tons of [waste / shopping] have accumulated in Russia.
5 Turtles are [marine / minimal] animals.
Объяснение:Під час прочитання повісті "За сестрою", я поринув(-ла) у світ давнього минулого нашої Батьківщини. Перегортаючи сторінки книги я ніби перебував(-ла) на місцях подій, відчував(-ла) усі емоції персонажів. Найбільше мене вразив образ хлопця Павлуся, саме він дав зрозуміти те, що сила любові брата та сестри варта на жертви та ризики, а будь-яка ситуація має вихід. На протязі всієї повісті Павлусь намагався знайти дівчину, навіть, коли план завдавав поразки. Це і є ще одним прикладом того, що повість вчить незламності духу, щирої любові до Батьківщини та рідних.
2. He said that Moscow was much larger than Saransk.
3. The pupil said to the teacher that he had gotten most of his information from that book.
4. She said that their older son had gone to work in the factory.
5. My mother said to me that letter was from the Jones family.
6. They asked me if i had stayed with them last summer.
7. My mother said to me that she was in the kitchen and said to come and help her.
8. Helen said to me that she knew they were my best friends.
9. Mike asked me if we often met at the institute.
10. Fred said that they hadn't recognized that place.
11. He said he was sure they would refuse to come.
12.John said that his father had been the first member of the family to go to college.