Circle the correct item. 1. What implications / effects will this theory have on the way teachers teach in the future? 2. I will call Bakhytzhan this afternoon to remind / remember him about his appointment with the school’s consellor. 3. The right side of the brain is said to be more dominant / powerful in creative people. 4. Korkem works as a stress management / control practitioner. 5. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will give you the opportunity to reach your full / greatest potential. * effects, remember, powerful, control, greatest
implications, remember, dominant, control, full
implications, remind, dominant, management, full
implications, remember, powerful, management, greatest
Одним из ярких образцов природных образований, сохранившихся и по сей день, является голубое озеро, Казань.у берега создается впечатление, что воды в нем – не больше метра в высоту. Такая иллюзия создается благодаря кристальной чистоте и прозрачности родниковых вод. На дне Голубого озера Казани лежат слои голубой глины, обладающей лечебными свойствами. Именно она придает водоему столь волшебный и насыщенный голубой цвет.
1)Kazan is famous for its unique synthesis of East and West, because people of different ethnic and religious groups have been living peacefully in this city for many hundreds of years.
2)Kazan is one of the most ancient cities of the Russian Federation with a unique history and architecture. In 2005 Kazan celebrated its Millennium.
3)At different times in Kazan lived, worked and created such wonderful people like Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Fyodor Chaliapin, Vasily Aksenov, Nikolai Feshin, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin, Nikolai Lobachevsky, Gavrila Derzhavin
4)The Annunciation Cathedral is the oldest building of the Kazan Kremlin ensemble. Moreover, this beautiful Church of the 16th century has long been the main temple of Kazan, where priests were ordained.