Classwork Ask and answer.
whow do (be) the strongest female chess
in 2018?
4 Wholo(be) the youngest World champ
5 Where ... Uzbekistan National U23 Foot
in 2018?
the sentence
Work in pairs. Complete the questions in
2 Who Wdlywin) the gold medal in China in
3 Whoon (win) at the ASBC Asian Confede
1) Pam screamed when she saw the stranger in her house.
2) The thieves stole the painting while the guard was not looking.
3) The man in the photo was wearing an old suit and holding a blue umbrella.
4) It was snowing heavily as the climbers reached the camp.
5) He was walking in the park when he found a set of keys.
6) It stopped raining so the children went out to play.
7) The loudspeaker broke while the band was playing their first song.