Family - it's the best thing a person. no amount of money or career does not give us something that can give a family is tenderness, love, reliability, poderzhka. friends of course also important but it is certainly in the first place must be a family. because not everyone can wear the proud title of "other" . перевод - семья - это самое лучшее что есть у человека . никакие деньги или карьера не дадут нам то что может дать семья это нежность, любовь, надежность, подержка . друзья конечно тоже важен но всётаки на первом месте должна стоять семья . потому что не все могут носить гордое звание "друг" .
1 Beyonce is still a reigning .audience. in the world
of pop music.
2 He's in charge of painting the .curtain. for the play.
3 The twist at the end of the play was a complete
surprise for the .audience.
4 A lot of child actors achieve .fame. at a very young
5 The lead actor gave an excellent .perfomance.
6 Actors need to know the .props. plan so they know
where to stand.
7 At the beginning of the play there were no
actors on the .stage.
8 They brought down the .light. at the end of the
9 The final .scene. of the film was very dramatic.
10 When the curtain rose the only .scenery. on stage
were a table, a chair and a glass.