Англия единственная страна, которая не хочет быть «Европой». Итальянцы и испанцы, тайно комплексуя, мечтают приобщиться к этому славному званию, восточные европейцы хотят того же — шумно и агрессивно, немцы делают вид, что они-то и есть Европа, хотя в глубине души не слишком в этом уверены, скандинавы живут в своем мире, даже и не рассчитывая на эту честь. И только англичане последовательно отказываются от подобной привилегии, всячески отделяя себя от всего мира, не входя ни в одно объединение. Они хотят быть сами по себе. И это им удается. Они знают, что они и есть — самая великая страна, своего рода «пуп» Вселенной.
B) 1. It would be nice now was summer! 2. It would be nice to have peace on earth! 3. It is a pity that I did not follow your advice! 4. Ada regretted coming to New York. 5. It would be better if I did not go to this performance! 6. If I could get this rare stamp for my collection! 7. How I would like to meet this charming blonde. 8. It is a pity that I did not learn English when I was a schoolboy. 9. It is a pity that the winter holidays ended so quickly! 10. I do not like cold. It would be nice to be warm and sunny all year round.
A) Bringing, bringing, bringing, bringing, translating, translating, translating, translating, giving, writing, reading, taking, given, reading, done, drinking, saying, being lost, drawing, writing, making, taken, taking, drawing , drunk, done, walking, writing, read, giving, drawing, making, drawn, drinking, shutting, taking, written, reading, walking, giving, saying, sitting, looking, being forgotten, building, under construction, playing, playing, narrated, narrator, seeing, bringing, being brought, built, selling.
B) 1. It would be nice now was summer! 2. It would be nice to have peace on earth! 3. It is a pity that I did not follow your advice! 4. Ada regretted coming to New York. 5. It would be better if I did not go to this performance! 6. If I could get this rare stamp for my collection! 7. How I would like to meet this charming blonde. 8. It is a pity that I did not learn English when I was a schoolboy. 9. It is a pity that the winter holidays ended so quickly! 10. I do not like cold. It would be nice to be warm and sunny all year round.