Combine the pairs of sentences. Use who, that, or which with or without commas as appropriate.
1. A film uses an immense vocabulary of images. It
is a form of communication.
2. Film communication starts with a shot. The shot
is the film’s basic unit.
3. Directors can spend hours preparing for a shot.
This shot may be seen for only a few seconds.
4. Our illegal radio was broadcasting the news. The
radio was turned too low to be intelligible.
5. Nearly fifty people greeted Nancy Belle. The
people were gathered in the big parlour upstairs
at the hotel..
почти каждый день я ем здоровую пищу.
каждый день я ем по несколько здоровых продуктов таких как : овощи или фрукты,но есть те продукт,которую я не люблю.фастфуд Я ем нечасто,несколько раз в год,Потому что считаю то что это очень вредная пища.Я,конечно же,предпочитаю здоровую домашнюю пищу.Я избегаю есть бутерброды или любую сухомятку.Также,конфеты или шоколад. Я люблю почти все фрукты и овощи только вот брокколи, он немного противен мне.моя любимая еда это конечно же какие-нибудь супы или здоровый здоровая еда.
лучший ответ
1. Tina wanted to buy a new dress in the sale but she had left her credit card at home.
2. After Samantha had learnt to ski, she went on the skiing holiday.
3. After Andrea's computer had broken, she stopped shopping online.
4. Gemma could buy a skateboard because she had saved her pocket money for three months.
5. After Sheila had wrapped all her presents, the guests arrived.
6. Howard got a free gift because he had bought a lot of things in the shop.
7. After Helen and Mark had got married, they went on a honeymoon to Mauritius.
8. Anna hadn't spent much money before Christmas so she bought some new shoes in January.
9. After Ben had tried to repair his own bike, he borrowed his friend's bike.
10. Gavin found a well-paid job because he had gone to university.
1 florist's (цветочный магазин)
2 greengroсer's (овощной магазин; "овощи и фрукты")
3 charity shop (магазин, торгующий подержанными вещами и отдающий выручку на благотворительные цели)
4 estate agency (агентство недвижимости)
5 launderette (прачечная)
6 coffee shop (кофейня)
7 cosmetics shop/store (магазин косметики)
8 deli / delicatessen (гастрономия)
9 DIY shop/store (магазин "Сделай сам")
10 bank (банк)