5. Choose the correct variant.
Keeping countries.
A) more
pets is ... hobby in many
B) interesting
C) most interesting
D) much more interesting
E) an interesting
6. Choose the correct variant.
Violent films... be shown on TV.
A) are able
B) must
C) should
D) shouldn't
E) haven't to
7. Choose the correct variant.
... computer do you usually use?
1. Whose
2. Which
3. Where
4. When
5. How
A) 1, 3, 4
C) 4, 5
E) 1, 2
8. Choose the pairs of synonyms.
1. reliable - trustworthy
2. to steal - to benefit 3. to chat-to enter
4. to link-to connect
5. to reward- to protect
"Abituriyent" jumalein 1-d nomasin olvas/129
Variant A
1. Choose the correct variant.
Have you read the message... I sent
you by e-mail? 1. which
2. where 3. whom
4. that
A) 1,3
D) 3,4
B) 2,3
E) 1,4
2. Choose the correct variant.
Do you read... movie reviews or watch critics on TV?
A]a,a B) R_{1} C)-,a
D)-, - E) the, a
3. Choose the correct prepositions. "To watch means to look... someone
or something... a period of time.
A) at, for B) for,
C) after, at
D) through, in
E) after, for
4. Choose the correct variant.
v ery... people have computers in ...
homes nowadays.
A) much, theirs
B) little, his
C) a few, their
D) many, theirs
E) many, their
1. Перед предметами, единственными в своем родеThe president visited the veterans. – Президент навестил ветеранов. (Ведь у каждой страны только один президент).The Earth moves around the Sun. – Земля движется вокруг солнца.
2. Перед предметами из ограниченной группы.The wheel of the car was missing. – Колеса у машины не было. (Одного из 4-х колес машины не было).
3. Перед предметами, к которым имеется определение.The boy that has stolen a purse, was caught. – Мальчика, укравшего сумочку, поймали.The leader of this movement was born in Germany. – Лидер этого движения родился в Германии. (Какой лидер? – этого движения).