Communication F. Complete the dialogue with the phrases a.d. a. I dare you. c. Where shall we go? b. I don't think so. d. Have you ever tasted it? Paul (1) - James I'm hungry. Let's go to a fast food restaurant. Paul Fast food? (2) Let's eat something more exciting. Mexican food! James No way! It can be very hot, you know. (3) Paul No, but I want to! Come on. (4) James OK, then. Let's do it! Paul Nice one! It'll be great fun! SCORE 8
American physicist and physiologist, of Scottish origin. Pioneer telephony and audio recording. Invented the telephone (1876), the photophone (a device that transmit sound from the beam of light) graphophones (Recorder with a wax cylinder) and one of the early prototypes of the player.In 1877 he founded the international company "bell Telephone". Conducted research in various engineering fields including Aeronautics and application in telecommunications of the light beam .Alexander Graham (Graham) bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. There he graduated as an external student at the age of 13 Royal school and when he ispolnilos years, Alexander Graham bell began teaching at the Academy Weston house. After studying for a year at the University of Edinburgh, bell moved to live in England.At 23, he together with his family he emigrated to Canada. This decision was made after the death from tuberculosis of his two brothers. In 1871, Alexander Graham bell took the position to work at the Boston University Professor of physiology of the speech . In 1977 he married with Mabel Hubbard, who was his pupil. Since 1882 he gets American citizenship. Alexander Graham bell in 1888, was a co-founder of the National geographic society.on March 10, 1876 in Boston (USA) hosted the first phone conversation. Alexander Graham bell and his assistant Thomas Watson was interviewed by phone from two adjacent rooms in the house bell. : "Watson, come! You're here I need ". After these first, clearly heard on the other end of the phone line said, in the bedroom of Alexander Graham bell, appeared his assistant, electrician Thomas Watson. During the conversation was in the same house in the neighboring bell room. Thomas Watson entered triumphantly saying," Mr. bell, Mr. bell, I heard you very clearly! " This event took place on March 10, 1876, in Boston. Thus was invented the home phone.Three days earlier (March 7) in the United States was granted patent No. 174456. And chelovechestva one of the most amazing inventions that changed our world forever phone. But Alexander Graham bell never enjoyed talking on the phone with his mother and wife; not because I didn't want to be distracted by irrelevancies, and Miz for his women were deaf.The history of many families show us as weakness and illness of loved ones can be a source of inspiration and wonderful discoveries (as for example the invention of March 6, 1899 all known aspirin. This also applies to the inventor of the telephone Alexander Graham bell.Within three generations of women in the family bell stuttered and suffered from deafness. Grandfather, father and his sons are engaged in phonetics, diction and problems of stuttering. In the third generation Alexander, the son of a deaf mother and married a deaf woman. Alexander Graham bell learns and teaches people with hearing problems, as did his father, his brother, his grandfather, and this ultimately led to his invention of the telephone.Alexander Graham bell died on August 2, 1922. America has honored his memory with a minute of silence all phone lines.In our time, the emergence of the Internet device replaces the functions of the once omnipotent means of communication between people - phone.
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