Companies in the (1 – high) competitive electronics industry are discovering something (2 – surprise) and curious: brands matter almost as much as exciting new technology. This has been (3 – clear) demonstrated by Samsung Electronics, which made a (4 – dramatic) new entry into the (5 – particular) difficult digital market. Once best known for microwave ovens, it has transformed itself into a (6 – real, cool) brand and it (7 –success) selling (8 – style) flat –screen TVs, digital cameras and mobile phones. Their sales figures have done (9 –increase, good) and they are positioned to beat Nokia as the second biggest manufacturer of mobile phones. Samsung has proved that a combination of clever- brand building and (10 – good, design) products can work miracles. They have understood that a brand without good products will lose popularity (11 – incredible, rapid), but the (12 – amazing) thing is that the opposite is also true. The market is (13 – crowd) with firms with a few great products, but weak brands. To succeed and grow as (14 –fast) as Samsung has requires a strong brand, as well as (15 – true, innovative) products.
2) In many tales evil witches turn people into animals.
3) Turn over three pages and you will see a painting, which you are finding.
4) Tom turned the pockets inside out but could not find any cent.
5) He appeared at the end of the party, and immediately asked for a cup of tea and a piece of cake.
6) Now turn off the tape and write down what you hear.
7) It turned out that the practice piano playing is not always interesting.
8) I would really like you to do a TV sound so loud.(не уверена)
9) We turned around and were very disappointed when we saw that our friends are not out of the house to say goodbye.
10)It turns out that English has borrowed much more words from other languages than German and French
2. Во многих сказках злые ведьмы превращают людей в животных - In many fairy tales, evil witches turn people into animals.
3. Переверни три страницы и ты увидишь картинку которую ищешь. - Turn over three pages and you will find the pictures you are looking for.
4. Том вывернул наизнанку карманы но не нашел ни одного цента - Tom turned the pockets inside out but couldn't find a single cent.
5. Он появился в самом конце вечеринки и сразу попросил чашку чая и кусок пирога. - He turned up at the very end of the party and immediately asked for a cup of tea and a piece of cake (или pie)
6. А теперь выключите магнитофоны и запишите то,что вы слышали. - Now turn off the recorders and write down what you heard.
7. Оказалось, что практиковаться в игре на фортепьяно не всегда интересно. - It turned out that practising to play the piano is not always interesting.
8. Мне бы очень хотелось,чтобы ты сделал звук телевизора потише. - I would really like you to turn down the TV sound.
9. Мы обернулись и были очень разочарованы,когда увидели,что наши друзья не вышли из дома,чтобы попрощаться - We turned around and were very disappointed to see that our friends didn't come out of the house to say goodbye.
10. Оказывается,что английский язык позаимствовал гораздо больше слов из других языков,чем немецкий и французский -It turns out that English language has borrowed a lot more words from other languages than German and French have.