Complete each sentence using reported questions
so that it means the same as the sentence before it.
1 'Why did you apply for the job, Claire?' asked the interviewer.
The interviewer asked Claire -
2 And what skills do you have?'
She was also asked
3 'Will you be able to work on Saturday mornings, Claire?'
They wanted to know
'Do you have any questions?'
Claire was asked
Can you start tomorrow?'
The interviewer asked her
Read this dialogue between Claire and her husband and choose the correcta
Our school is quite big and interesting. What I like most is our social school life. We have lots of different events during the school year. I like taking part in them.
Of course, I prefer classroom learning to online one. I enjoy seeing my classmates and teachers. it's more interesting and useful. Computers can't replace real teachers, I think.
The kind of school you go to and its number. 89 (образец)What it looks like, what you can see around it. PlaygroundThe size of your school. GreatSome of the school rules. Do not talk out in lessonThe uniform you wear. The shirt and skirtWhere you do sports and play games. In playgroundYour school museum. He is very big and there are many Arti factsSchool trips. Go to different museumsThe subject you are doing this year. ( напишите сами)Your teachers and your classmates .(напишите сами)
Что вы можете рассказать посетителю о своей школе?Думать об этом.
В какую школу ты ходишь и ее номер. 89 (образец)Как это выглядит, что вы видите вокруг. Спортивная площадкаРазмер вашей школы. БольшаяНекоторые из школьных правил. Не говори на урокеУниформа, которую ты носишь. Рубашка и юбкаГде вы занимаетесь спортом и играть в игры. На детской площадкеТвой школьный музей. Он очень большой и есть много фактов ArtiШкольная экскурсия. Отправляйтесь в различные музеиТема, которую вы делаете в этом году. ( напишите сами)Ваши учителя и школьные одноклассники .(напишите сами)