Complete the conversation in a library. What does Ben say to Mrs Cross?
For questions 1-7, mark the correct letter A-H. There are two extra letters.
A. I’ve got a class in five minutes. Can I watch it at home?
B. Not today. Just the video.
C. Where are the books on modern art?
D. I’ve heard about it, but I haven’t seen it.
E. I won’t turn the video recorder on.
F. I need some information for my art homework.
G. That’s good. I need it for a week.
H. I will. Do you want to see my library ticket?
Mrs Cross: Hallo Ben. What are you looking for?
Mrs Cross: They’re all on the shelf next to the window.
Mrs Cross: Have you seen this new video about English artists?
Mrs Cross:Are you free now?
Mrs Cross:Well, you must be sure to bring it back tomorrow morning.
Mrs Cross:Only if you’ve got some books.
Mrs Cross: Right, that’s fine then.
ответ: Hello, Jane
I am glad to read a letter from you. We have English speaking club at school. I attend it but it isn't my hobby. One of my hobbies is reading. If a book is interesting I can read all day long. I know this hobby isn't popular nowadays among teenagers. The second my hobby is hip-hop. I go to the dance studio and study this modern dance. Most of my classmates like listening to modern music. Some of them go to the different sport clubs.
That's all by now.
Write me as soon as you can
Yours ...
глагол do необходимо употреблять, когда совершающий действие выполняет работу какого-то характера или занимается какой-либо деятельностью, например, разгадывает кроссворды (does crosswords), шьет (does sewing), моет (does the washing), утюжит (does the ironing) и т.д.
мы часто употребляем do, когда говорим о выполнении работы, например, выполняем работу по дому (do housework), (do homework) и т.д.
do также используется в значении «изучать» — do subjects, do courses
do в качестве общей идеи: глагол do часто употребляется с неопределенными местоимениями something, anything, everything, nothing, когда нужно указать на выполнение действия не конкретизируя, какое именно действие выполняется, например: «he was doing nothing yesterday – вчера он ничем не был занят», «i do everything to assist you – я делаю все, чтобы вам».
и, наконец, необходимо запомнить устойчивые выражения с глаголом do