The barcode is converted by the scanner into electrical pulses.the price and the description of the product are sent by the branch computer to the EPOS till. the barcode is read by the scanner. the sale of the product is recorded by the branch computer. the item and price are shown( iили showed) by the till. the item is scanned by the checkout operator. the pulses are sent by the scanner to the branch computer. the item is printed by the till on thepaper receipt.the stock file for product matching the barcode EAN is searched by the branch computer.
1.Vchera I called you , but you were not home . I skiedthe whole day. 2 . I found a new job andNow throwing a party . 3 . If the weather will not change , we're going out of town.4 . I have not had breakfast . Wait for me . 5 . You read all the books on this shelf .6. Last week he was sick , but now he gets better. 7. why are youfolding these things in a box ? - I've already packed my bags , and these things Ileave my mother at home. 8. I was preparing for tests from five to seven pmand could not go to the movies . 9. I saw my friend on the street , but he was in a hurry andHe had no time to talk to me . 10.Chto makes yourson? - He works at the University .