Саманидское государство (перс. امارت سامانیان; Amārat-i Sāmāniyān) — государство, существовавшее в Средней Азии в 875—999 годах. Правящей династией были Саманиды. Столица государства — Бухара. Правление Саманидов ознаменовало новый период в истории «Иранского культурного континента», известный под названием «иранское интермеццо»[7], длившийся с IX по XI века и характерной особенностью которого было приход к власти, после 200 летнего арабского господства, коренных ираноязычных династий и возрождение персидского языка и культуры
1. We have taken (to take) a lot of pictures for our album this year. 2. He has left (to leave) for London, we won't see him for a month. 3. I have read (to read) this story twice; it's very interesting. 4. The weather has changed (to change) greatly; it's so cold now. 5. We have bought (to buy) Granny a nice present for her birthday. We think she will like it. 6. It will be (to be) very warm in Yerevan this week. 7. Where's the picture? I have given (to give) it to Bob. 8. Jane isn't at home now. She has gone (to go) to the playground. 9. They have done (to do) all their work. They are free to play now. 10. Look! Somebody is breaking (to break) the window.
Саманидское государство (перс. امارت سامانیان; Amārat-i Sāmāniyān) — государство, существовавшее в Средней Азии в 875—999 годах. Правящей династией были Саманиды. Столица государства — Бухара. Правление Саманидов ознаменовало новый период в истории «Иранского культурного континента», известный под названием «иранское интермеццо»[7], длившийся с IX по XI века и характерной особенностью которого было приход к власти, после 200 летнего арабского господства, коренных ираноязычных династий и возрождение персидского языка и культуры
2. He has left (to leave) for London, we won't see him for a month.
3. I have read (to read) this story twice; it's very interesting.
4. The weather has changed (to change) greatly; it's so cold now.
5. We have bought (to buy) Granny a nice present for her birthday. We think she will like it.
6. It will be (to be) very warm in Yerevan this week.
7. Where's the picture? I have given (to give) it to Bob.
8. Jane isn't at home now. She has gone (to go) to the playground.
9. They have done (to do) all their work. They are free to play now.
10. Look! Somebody is breaking (to break) the window.