Казалось бы, Гарфилд – это живое пушистое воплощение всех отрицательных качеств, которыми только может обладать домашний кот. Он неимоверно циничен, ленив, толст, прожорлив и нахален. В свободное от сна и поедания лазаньи время Гарфилд развлекается тем, что подшучивает над своим хозяином и соседским псом Лукой. Так бы и жил котяра припеваючи в доме Джона, не вздумай тот в один день принести туда беспородного щенка Одди. Такого «предательства» эгоистичный герой перенести не смог.
It would seem that Garfield is a living fluffy embodiment of all the negative qualities that only a domestic cat can possess. He is incredibly cynical, lazy, fat, greedy and arrogant. In his spare time from sleeping and eating lasagna, Garfield is having fun by teasing his owner and his neighbor's dog, Luka. It would have been like that the kotyar would live happily in John's house, do not even think of bringing the purebred Oddi there one day. Such a "betrayal" selfish hero could not transfer.
Казалось бы, Гарфилд – это живое пушистое воплощение всех отрицательных качеств, которыми только может обладать домашний кот. Он неимоверно циничен, ленив, толст, прожорлив и нахален. В свободное от сна и поедания лазаньи время Гарфилд развлекается тем, что подшучивает над своим хозяином и соседским псом Лукой. Так бы и жил котяра припеваючи в доме Джона, не вздумай тот в один день принести туда беспородного щенка Одди. Такого «предательства» эгоистичный герой перенести не смог.
It would seem that Garfield is a living fluffy embodiment of all the negative qualities that only a domestic cat can possess. He is incredibly cynical, lazy, fat, greedy and arrogant. In his spare time from sleeping and eating lasagna, Garfield is having fun by teasing his owner and his neighbor's dog, Luka. It would have been like that the kotyar would live happily in John's house, do not even think of bringing the purebred Oddi there one day. Such a "betrayal" selfish hero could not transfer.
Michael Jones received a call:
"Throw your ball into the wall.
Are you tall or very small
I don't care, my boy, at all".
Michael Jones has worn a coat,
Gone outside to walk his goat.
But he actually forgot
There's no goats in his small boat.
Michael Jones was on the Lake
With his wife and self-baked cake
Giving her some pills to take
And avoid a stomachache.
Michael Jones forgot to send
Movies with a happy end.
Michael Jones was very dull
'Cause there's no pool in his school.
Michael had to take a look
But, eh, he already took.