“Wonder Woman” (born Wonder Woman) is a superhero film directed by Patty Jenkins, based on the eponymous comic book by DC Comics. He is the fourth film in the Expanded Universe DC after Suicide Squad. The film starred Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Danny Houston, Robin Wright and David Thewlis.
The main shooting of the film began in late November 2015. In Russia, the film was released on June 1, 2017 in 3D and IMAX 3D. He received positive reviews from critics, many of whom called him the best part of the Expanded Universe DC [2]. The film showed the fifth best start in the United States in 2017, earning more than 100 million at the box office on the first weekend [3] [4]. Also, the trailer for the film won the grand prize of the 18th annual Golden Trailer Award [5]. “Wonder Woman” became the highest grossing feature film, produced by a female director, and is second only to the “Cold Heart” cartoon filmed by director Jennifer Lee (in a duet with Chris Buck) [6].
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“Wonder Woman” (born Wonder Woman) is a superhero film directed by Patty Jenkins, based on the eponymous comic book by DC Comics. He is the fourth film in the Expanded Universe DC after Suicide Squad. The film starred Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Danny Houston, Robin Wright and David Thewlis.
The main shooting of the film began in late November 2015. In Russia, the film was released on June 1, 2017 in 3D and IMAX 3D. He received positive reviews from critics, many of whom called him the best part of the Expanded Universe DC [2]. The film showed the fifth best start in the United States in 2017, earning more than 100 million at the box office on the first weekend [3] [4]. Also, the trailer for the film won the grand prize of the 18th annual Golden Trailer Award [5]. “Wonder Woman” became the highest grossing feature film, produced by a female director, and is second only to the “Cold Heart” cartoon filmed by director Jennifer Lee (in a duet with Chris Buck) [6].
in the city bridges are longer than in the country - в городе мосты длиннее чем в деревне
in the city streets are wider than in the country. - в городе улицы более широкие чем в деревне
in the city rivers are dirtier than in the country - в городе речки грязнее чем в деревне
in the country houses are smaller than in the city - в деревне дома меньше чем в городе
in the country rivers are cleaner than in the city - в деревне речка чище чем в городе
in the country gardens are bigger than in the city - в деревне сады больше чем в городе