Complete the questions about joe's band . write the words in the puzzle
a: who's ? b: joe kelly
a: who's the b: mel adams
a: who are the b: barney sutton and lee
a: who's
a: what's the band b: sadia kelly
a: are the of the b: monsoon
band students ? b: yes, they are
Moscow, Russia
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for your recent letter. I was very glad to get it.
In your letter, you asked me about foreign languages. I think that foreign languages are important in our life. But there are a lot of difficulties in learning a foreign language. As for me, the most difficult is grammar. If you don't know grammar, people won't understand you properly. To improve my language skills I watch films and read books in English. But I'm absolutely sure that the best way to learn a foreign language is to go to a country where people speak this language.
That's all for now.
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Liberty until we burn,
While the heart to honor the living,
My friend!. . Homeland dedicate
Great gusts of soul!. .
Citizenship is inseparable from morality, from his best qualities: honesty, unselfishness, intolerance to evil and lying, ability to make friends unselfishly and. To develop such qualities in yourself means that at every step to learn how to overcome the fear, the cowardice, the desire for their own well-being.
Fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the war defended our great distance, our spaces and have carried through fierce fighting true love of country. We will be hard to multiply the glory of his state. I believe that a little time will pass and there will come another era in the life of my country. Will be our generous and fertile land, and the cities and villages - rich. Want to see Russia a peaceful, powerful, technically advanced. But it all depends on us, on those who tomorrow will come in life.