Complete the sentences from the questionnaire. Then answer questions -e 1 You _ tell an adult about it. 2 You — study and help people. 3 People — cheat. 4 You — be noisy in class. a Which verb do we use for rules and strong obligations? b Which verb do we use for advice? c Which verb means you are not allowed to? d Do we use to after must and should? e Do we add an -s in the third person singular forms of must and should?
You mustn't be late.(ты не должен опаздывать)
You mustn't eat at the lesons.(ты не должен есть на уроках)
You mustn't leave your mobile phone,keys and so on in wardrobe(ты не должен оставлять свой телефон, ключи и др. в гардеробе)
You must be careful on the staircase(ты должен быть осторожен на лестнице)
You must write nothing in the textbooks(ты не должен писать в учебниках(если дословно то:ты должен писать ничего в учебниках))
You must be polite( ты должен быть вежливым)
You must say hello to the teachers( ты должен здороваться с учителями)
You must listen to the teacher very attentively(ты должен слушать учителя очень внимательно)