Complete the sentences using the following words and expres- sions: roi, to pay, demarcation, job, employment, occupation, wage, pen- sion scheme, careers advisor, salary, to beat to a promotion, position, to delegate, to promote
1. the venture capitalists were looking for a high 2. until the 1960s there was a maximum for footballers in europe. 3. she quit as the job didn’t very well. 4. her rose by 24% during the course of the year.
5. there was a dispute between the warehousemen and the forklift truck drivers. 6. the tilers did a bad and the roof began to leak again the first time it rained. 7. he wrote “observer of life” in the space marked “” on the form. 8. he hadn’t been able to find regular for several years. 9. the company offered a as one of the more important perks to employees. 10. the school had a who met with pupils on two afternoons per week. 11. he focused most of his efforts on his rivals to 12. the manager decided his junior employee to a higher job grade. 13. the was adver- tised widely, but still failed to attract any candidates. 14. she decided all responsibility for advertising to her assistant
1. salary
2. wage
3. pay
4. ROI
5. demarcation
6. job
7. occupation
8. employment
9. pension scheme
10. careers advisor
11. beating... to promotion
12. to promote
13. position
14. to delegate