Complete the sentences with about, for or with.
1 don't argue with me! i'm always right.
2 don't worry l ife - just be happy!
3 i'm thinking present to buy.
4 are you getting ready the match?
5 shouldn't you be revising.
your exam?
ow did you do?
seck your score
1. French was the official language of England for about 300 years, from 1066 till 1362. The writer of fantasy novels called Harry Potter is J.K. Rowling, who was born in England.
2. Public schools in England are in fact very exclusive and expensive (£13,500 per year) private schools. Ordinary schools (which are free), are called state schools.
3. It is believed that football was invented in England. Modern football was invented in England in 1863, when the rules of the game were taken. Football is the national sport in England. It has an important role in English culture.