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06.07.2021 09:47 •  Английский язык

Complete the sentences with by or on.
It's cheaper_by_bus.
1 A return ticket on the train is £15.20.
2 Paris is two hours from here by plane.
3. It's about twenty minutes to the shops
on car.
4 How much is a single ticket __ the
5 It's more dangerous on foot than car.
6 The park is an hour from here foot.
7 Maria is the plane now.
8 I really hate travelling train.​

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04.11.2022 04:48
Behave in Russia, if you are a guest, should be on the general rules of behavior in society, which are accepted in the country. The population it is more inclined to the European way of life, tends to be similar to the inhabitants of developed countries in dress and demeanor. Do not take the free style of communication and short skirt girl as a signal of its availability.
In that case, if the girl you like, you should know that your attention is completely should not be taken as a compliment. So do not be offended if you were to meet importunate in their attempts. When the first time you do not understand that talking to you do not want, do not be offended and insulted her, educated person to apologize and depart, as is customary in Russia.
If you have lived in a closed area, in a small village or a small town where everyone knows each other, and the basis of communication is respect, having arrived in a large city, in another country is not necessary to behave with strangers defiantly. It adopted a respectful attitude towards women, the elderly, just like everywhere else. The fact that these women and older people do not know you and you do not complain about your home, not a reason to act from a position of strong lout, which only shows your weakness and fear.
Even the indigenous people of Russia - the people of different religious beliefs, political views, with different values ​​of life. The country has long been a multi-ethnic, and all its citizens are accustomed to respect each other. Features of their mentality or character appropriate to demonstrate in a circle of family and countrymen. The public should behave kindly and politely.
Of course, in Russia there are those "masters" that can behave rudely and provocatively towards others. But you have to understand yourself, what antisocial behavior does not paint them and cause rejection. Try to look around and figure out how to behave, to your national identity does not become an occasion for nationalistic statements and generalizations.
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04.11.2022 04:48
Memo to aliens: how to deal with Russian • Before you go to work in Russia, try to master at least a basic knowledge of the Russian language. In such an unusual country it is impossible to live and work, not communicating with the local population. • If you really want to build a business in Russia and to understand the life of its inhabitants inside, try to organize your life to abandon the "tourist way of life": to live in a hotel, eat in a restaurant, communicate only with their compatriots, etc. With this lifestyle you will always remain for local people "stranger" who invaded their borders. • In the restaurant, bar or café, try not to ostentatiously counted the change from the waiter, or to carefully check the correctness of the filed accounts. At least do it not openly, but as unobtrusively as possible. Remember that such "pettiness" repels Russian, seems to them a violation of human dignity. • Russians have a lot of practice in the drinking of alcoholic beverages. In this sense, they are "stronger" any Western man. If they are in good shape, able to withstand quite large doses of alcohol and the most incredible mixture. However, they typically do not lose their ability to stay on his feet. Don't try to compete with them in this. Require, according to the "rules of etiquette", the smallest (perfect for vodka) drink, insist on it. Then you will be able to drink with them almost on a par, i.e. in the same rhythm, not refusing to maintain the traditional order of toasting, not fixing myself of the disturbed attention. •In conversation with Russian, you can include anything of personal records, achievements and talents of children, professional worries. Of particular interest are problems of policy and philosophy. •Do not discuss money problems, the topic of a career, brag about your accomplishments for self-assertion or self-promotion - is desirable to produce the impression of an indiscreet man. •A breach of etiquette in Russian are questions about age and even the mention of this. •Russian would be a nice compliment if it is connected with achievements of Russia in space or success of economic development in literature and art. Whenever possible, show your interest and you will be guaranteed their respect. •Russian patriots, they are sensitive to talk about the war, because I believe that Russia waged only a defensive war, defending himself from the actions of aggressive neighbors to the East and West. Especially sensitive for them, the mention of the Second world war. Almost every family lives a mournful memory of the dead relative or loved one. This tragic reality is not quite consistent with modern Western ideas about it. Even more traumatic for the Russian any mention of Chechnya. Try to be delicate in these matters, and even better - avoid them.  •Sensory perception of Russian life is reflected in the fact that they need close human contact, emotionally dependent on the environment. • The hardest thing for them - the daily routine, pettiness, repetitiveness, monotony. What "normal" feels European peace and stability, the Russian can lead to depression. Do not criticize quality. • Russian hardly perceive formal polite smiles at official meetings. They appreciate the ability to smile from the Americans or the Japanese, I admire the courtesy of the French, but do not wish to follow their example. •Remember this pattern: the closer the relationship you have with the person, the higher the degree of credibility, the less "Chinese ceremonies" will be between you. Let Russian sociability, openness and sincerity will not be considered by you as a lack of good manners. •Russian psychological setting for the publicity, the respect of the public opinion makes of their behaviour in public places specific: to the ladies they courteous, but in doubtful situations - active. For them is a "matter of honour" to intervene and "fix" the situation.
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