Complete the sentences with the appropriate verbs with the prepositions from the theory. Use verbs in the correct tense.
He was _ telling lies.
We arrived when the dinned had already started and had to _ being late
Last Friday all friends _ me on winning the prize in the contest.
Our neighbours always _ hearing noise from our flat.
Salaries and wages _ academic qualifications and experience.
look forward to — с нетерпением ждать
thank for — благодарить за
congratulate on — поздравить с
feel like — быть в настроении
get/be used to — привыкнуть что-то делать/ иметь привычку что-то делать (не путайте с used to – когда-то, бывало)
succeed in — преуспеть в
suspect of — подозревать в
accuse of — обвинять в
depend on — зависеть
object to — возражать против
approve of — одобрять что-то
excuse for smth — извиниться за что-то
complain about - жаловаться на
appologize for smth — извиниться за что-то
prevent from smth — помешать чему-то
I believe we are now entering the century of the Selfish Mind. Man has always been a creature restlessly seeking a reality beyond himself. We cannot know what a chimpanzee thinks about when he gazes at the stars, or what ideas a dolphin has about air. But we know what we think, and we have traveled so high in the atmosphere we cannot breathe and then beyond. We have placed humans on the Moon, sent our devices to other planets, and our signals reaching out to the universe, not to be received until after our extinction, if then.
The earliest hominids must have had complex ideas, but they were trapped inside their minds. Out of the desire to share those ideas with other minds, they devised symbols, sounds and speech. I see you, I see this, I think this, I want to tell you. Many species make sounds--at first to warn or to frighten, then to express more complex needs. We don't know if speech itself was a goal, because we cannot be sure if they had a conception of what that might be." The bone became our key to the physical domain. The transistor chip became our key to the digital domain.
Our people do everyting for the nearest progress and I think in the future we will not have some problems, even if we all live to be over 100 years old.
1) We understand your problem, but if you just sit at home you will never change your life.
2) So why don't you tell us where have you been?
3) It is also a good idea to organize celebration in the City Park.
4) You could organize your after school time better.
5) Another idea is to join them at the train station so we can travel all together.
6) We suggest you to give up smoking.
7) Start a new life by changing old habits.