Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passive. 1 Our school _ ten years ago. (build)
2 Cars _ in twenty years' time. (not use)
3 _ better next year? (workers / pay)
4 Their products _ all over the world in the next ten years. (sell)
5 Hamlet _ by Shakespeare. (write)
6 Pesticides _ by organic cotton growers. (not use)
7 _ in Britain these days? (grapes / grow)
8 Trousers _ by women in the 1920s. (not wear)
The goal of each player - to attack the king's partner so that the partner had no possible moves, which avoid the "taking" of the king on the next move. About a player who has achieved this goal, they say that he checkmate partner and won the game. Partner, whose king has been checkmated, loses the game.
At the beginning of the game chess board should be placed so that each player had a white cell (or light) color in the lower-right corner of the chess pieces are arranged in the same way each party to the second and seventh lines are located pawns. Rooks are in the corners, the horses next to them, then elephants, and, finally, the queen, who is always on the field with him one color (white queen on white, black on black queen), and the king next to the queen.
The player with the white pieces always goes first. Prior to this, players usually decide who gets what shapes by drawing lots. First, go white, then black, then white again, then black ... And so to the end of the game.
All six figures go differently. Figures, except for the horse, can not "jump" over other pieces, and can not walk on the field occupied by the figures of the same color. Figures may occupy the field, on which the opponent's pieces, having carried out their take. Figures usually need to be positioned so that they threatened to take the opponent's pieces, could protect their shape or control the important fields.
After this incident, the Thing started to make friends and play. But it is not
Silly,and Dobrusa, because she was very good throughout the forest.
Настала снежная зима! Снегири сидят на ветке рябины, зайцы прыгают по снегу, белочки готовятся чаепитию, только не радуется зиме собачка Глупышка. Ей это прозвище дали жители леса за её равнодушие ко всем. Как всегда Глупышка сидела на пеньке, как вдруг на неё набросился сзади огромный волк. Собачка очень испугалась и звала на но никто н пришел. Она побежала от хищника , а он за неё. Как вдруг с неба начали падать комки снега и льда на волка. Волк убежал, крича » Всё . Больше не надо.Сдаюсь.» Подлетев, снегири защебетали возле Глупышки. Она настолько была тронута, что первый раз за 2 года сказала После этого случая, с Глупышкой начали все дружить и играть. Но она уже не Глупышка,а Добрюша, так как она стала самой доброй во всем лесу.