Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1.I find rock music much too
and loud. (aggression)
2.Everyone in the group is extremely
. (talent)
3.The music is very fast and
It's great for dancing. (energy)
4.Jenny likes reading
novels. (romance)
5. Daphne is very
she plays the violin, the piano and the flute!
6 .Some dance music can be rather
over again. (monotone)
- just the same sound over and
7.They play
music using saucepans and spoons! (experiment)
8.I don't think that heavy metal music is
. (relax)
9.Danny plays the
guitar - he's really good. (electricity)
10.We had an
visit to Elvis' home and were glad we went. (enjoy)
Who speaks English ?-Кто говорит ло английски?
Who plays the piano? - Кто играет на пианино?
В остальных случаях используется do ( we ,you, they)
They play football.
Do they play football? What do they play?
Does используется, если подлежащее стоит в 3 лице единственного числа. ( she, he, it)
She speakS English.
Does she speak English? What language does she speak?
He playS football.
Does he play football? What does he play?
( do и does -указатели простого настоящего времени Present Simple )
1. Опишите, какие коартикуляционные процессы наблюдаются в следующих примерах: bottle, sudden, quarter, try, moon, panther. E.g. kept: [k] слегка палатализуется и становится более продвинутым под влиянием гласного переднего ряда [e]. Смычный взрывной [p] произносится без взрыва, т.к. за ним следует другой взрывной – [t].
2. Запишите следующие предложения в широкой и узкой транскрипции, обращая внимание на возможные случаи элизии:
а) We have fixed for the locksmith to come and mend it.
б) I suppose the best thing is to get another one.
в) She acts particularly well in that play.
г) The postman came the next day.
д) The police went for their sixth round.
(I'm sorry)