Hello! My name is . I'm from Russia. I like watching the movie with my friends and parents. Drama films are my favorit type of films. For example, I like to look "Plot". Read about "Plot". Chris Nielsen, a doctor who has suffered with his artist wife Annie through the devastating loss of their children who were killed in a car accident. Then tragedy strikes when Annie, inconsolable, commits suicide and goes to Hell. Although it is rarely done, Chris insists on traveling there, risking his eternal soul to save the woman he loves. Accompanied part of the way by Albert and a wizened guide called The Tracker, Chris finally reaches Annie in Hell, and must convince her of the truth in order to release her from her dark prison. What is your favorit type of films? Do you tell me about your favorit films? What do you like waching of you favorit type of film? Do you like a drama films? Best wishes,
Литературно-театральный музей был основан в 1989 г. Музей носит имя уроженца Коми, известного драматурга, актера, режисера, лауреата Государственной премии СССР, заслуженного артиста России - Николая Михайловича Дьяконова. Музей посвящен жизни и творчеству Н.М. Дьяконова. Его комедия "Свадьба с приданым" шла во всех театрах страны и за ее пределами. Кроме этого спектакля, Дьяконов является автором ещё более восьмидесяти пьес, воплощенных талантливейшими российскими актерами на сцене под его руководством. Ежегодно в музее проходят 1–2 театральные и более 10 временных тематических выставок. Темы этих выставок разнообразны: важные даты и события, культурные явления, юбилеи, интересные события и настоящего.
Literary and theatrical museum was founded in 1989 , the museum is named after a native Komi , a famous playwright , actor and director ' , winner of the State Prize of the USSR , Honored Artist of Russia - Nikolai Mikhailovich Dyakonova . Museum dedicated to the life and work of NM Dyakonova . His comedy "Wedding dowry " was in all the theaters in the country and abroad . In addition to this performance , the deacon is the author of more than eighty more plays, embodied most talented Russian actors on the stage under his leadership. Each year, the museum held 1-2 theater and more than 10 temporary thematic exhibitions. The topics of these exhibitions are diverse : important dates and events , cultural events , anniversaries , exciting events of the past and present.
What is your favorit type of films? Do you tell me about your favorit films?
What do you like waching of you favorit type of film? Do you like a drama films?
Best wishes,
Literary and theatrical museum was founded in 1989 , the museum is named after a native Komi , a famous playwright , actor and director ' , winner of the State Prize of the USSR , Honored Artist of Russia - Nikolai Mikhailovich Dyakonova . Museum dedicated to the life and work of NM Dyakonova . His comedy "Wedding dowry " was in all the theaters in the country and abroad . In addition to this performance , the deacon is the author of more than eighty more plays, embodied most talented Russian actors on the stage under his leadership. Each year, the museum held 1-2 theater and more than 10 temporary thematic exhibitions. The topics of these exhibitions are diverse : important dates and events , cultural events , anniversaries , exciting events of the past and present.