Complete the text by writing the correct word in each gap. The best memory I have is the time I spent volunteering for
six weeks in Bristol about two years ago. I just
finished my first year at university and wanted to improve my English during the holidays before applying a scholarship abroad. My boyfriend and I stayed on a campsite
for volunteers
was located near the sea. He on the redecoration of an old people's home,
while I
given work in the campsite kitchen.
After a while I found
that everyone thought
the meals we were serving were a bit boring, so I offered
to prepare traditional dishes from my country instead.
Finding the ingredients wasn't a problem, as there was an
international food shop nearby that had everything I needed
The change of menu was a great success, and
much fun! I enjoyed my work, even though I
never imagined myself as a chef. Everyone at the campsite
kept telling me that I one of the best cooks they'd
ever had. I
never had such a fun job as that one and often dream about going back.
orgullosa de ofrecer un gesto de felicidad a tantos compatriotas.
Daniel: ¿Tienes proyectos a largo plazo?
Mireia: Como deportista, lo más inmediato es el Mundial de Barcelona, para el que animo a todos a que estén presentes y apoyen al equipo español. Seguro que será un espectáculo deportivo de primer orden. A medio plazo, las Olimpíadas de Brasil. En lo personal, acabar mis estudios e intentar crear mi propia pequeña empresa.
Daniel: ¿Qué consejo les darías a las jóvenes que quieran iniciarse en esta profesión como tú?
Mireia: No soy nadie para dar consejos. No obstante, diría a modo de sugerencia, que se diviertan y disfruten del deporte que practican. Y que si llega un día en el que ya no las apasiona lo que hacen, que lo dejen inmediatamente.