Complete the text. Use all, none, both, neither one nor the other, neither the other, nor the second, nor the second. Paula and Maria are (1) financial resource traders, but (2) are millionaires. They work 8 hours. "I usually come to work around 7.30, and all (3) people in my office arrive there by 8.15," says Paula. "We need to start early. (4) Maria's colleagues start work later than 8:00," she adds. I usually start the day by reading emails because (5) my clients do business with a computer, so I need to read and respond to my emails as soon as possible. (6) What I do is check to see if prices are rising or falling. After that I do (7) things, for example, talk to clients on the phone, write reports or go to meetings. (8) What I need to do is visit clients, but I usually do it in the afternoon. I work in London, but we have an office in Manchester and I go to the office once a week. If I'm lucky, I'll finish, I work 19:00 '. After a long exhausting day, Maria and Paula do a lot in the evening, and they (12) go to bed early.
Ladybug is a little bright and very beautiful beetle. They can fly. They are red, yellow and orange. They are able to give some orange liquid - “milk”. That's why they're called ladybugs!
Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybirds.
Ladybugs are very useful to humans. They eat aphid and save the whole farmers' fields. Some farmers specially bred ladybirds in their fields and make special houses where bugs can live comfortably in winter.
Божья коровка - это маленький яркий и очень красивый жук. Они умеют летать. Они бывают красными, желтыми и оранжевыми. Они умеют давать оранжевую жидкость - “молочко”. Вот почему они зовутся коровками! Это молочко едкое и отвратительно пахнет, поэтому божьих коровок никто не ест. Божья коровка очень полезна для человека. Она ест тлю и целые поля фермеров. Некоторые фермеры специально разводят божьих коровок на своих участках и устраивают специальные домики, где жучки могут комфортно перезимовать.
2) THE Thames- с названием рек определенный артикль
3) THE North- сторона света нужен артикль
4) THE flowers-определенные цветы
5) (a) fresh bread-неисчисляемое слово, не может быть артиеля неопределенного
6) to (the) school.-устойчивое выражение, без артикля
7) has A lot of books-устойчивое выражение с артиклем
9) in (the )Pushkin street
8) has A toothache -устойчивое выражение
10) in THE Ukraine-эта страна употребляется с определенным артиклем