І. Complete the text using the words given below. Translate the text into Ukrainian (всіправильно заповнені пропуски оцінюються в ів, адекватний переклад
оцінюється в ів; максимально ів).
Product is everything that one receives in an exchange. Some products are tangible and
others are 1) . Products are divided into two classes: goods and 2) . A
good is a real, physical, tangible thing that is produced and 3) . A service is an
intangible attribute that involves selling help and advice, or delivering goods for 4)
The definition of the term product is based on the concept of a market. The term market
is defined as a 5) where people gather to buy and sell goods. Today, however,
markets such as the gold market or the cotton market do not need to have any fixed
geographical 6) . Such a market is a set of 7) in which a
particular kind of commodity is exchanged. Some people come to a market because they want
to buy -8). Others come because they want to sell - suppliers. Supply and
demand are the twin factors which determine the price in any 9) . Markets
reallocate commodities from suppliers to demanders. A market is equilibrium when the demand
is exactly 10) to the supply.
customers, services, demanders, location, place, intangible, equal, market, consumed,
2. The King and the Queen of Spain gave Columbus money for voyage.
3. There were 3 caravels: the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta.
4. Columbus named the land they had reached San Salvador ("Holy Saviour").
5.European people came to the New Land for many reasons, each person had its own reason but here are main: Some hoped to find gold, silver and other treasures, some wanted to bring Christian religion to the indians, and some came there to start a new life without religious problems.
6.Pilgrims were a small group of English people. They wanted to live in a country that Columbus discovered.
Робінзон Крузо, молодий англієць, тікає з дому.
Починаються його пригоди.
Після корабельної аварії Робінзон опиняється на самоті на безлюдному острові
Він будує собі будинок, вчиться ловити рибу та вирощувати рослини
Він не бачить жодного народу протягом 15 років
Одного разу він зустрічає молодого чоловіка
Крузо називає його п’ятницею, бо він знаходить його в той день тижня
Впродовж кількох років вони живуть щасливо
На острів приходить човен з піратами
Крузо рятує капітана корабля і повертається з ним до Англії