When I return home, all my things will be packed by my mom. 2. My mother is often sent to London. 3. He thought the suitcase was packed with my sister. 4. The flowers will be planted by the grandmother. 5. My phone number is always forgotten. 6. She was sent by the firm to study in Barcelona two years ago. 7. She said that the picture was drawn in pencil. 8. When will the newspapers come? - They will only be brought in the evening. 9. We were asked if the Italian language is taught in our school. 10. My things will be packed later. 11. He asks us if we have got well. 12. She asks us why we did not buy the cake. 13. Katya was called home. 14. We were asked how long we would be dining. 15. My sister thought her bags would be delivered in 3 hours.
клейри: уе а йу гоин, кэти?
кэти: даунтаун. ай эм митин хелен ин халф эн аур.
клейри: бат лук эт йу. йу'р уэринг э син дресс энд сандалс. йу'р гоин ту гет соукд!
кэти: уот а йу токин эбаут?
клейри: лук эт зе биг блэк клаудс. итс дэфинэтли гоин ту рэйн.
кэти: хмм, пьохапс йу а райт. соу куд ай бороу йор коут?
клейри: ноу уээй! итс брэнд нью! уай донт йу тейк май реинкоут?
кэти: йу мин зєт хорибл йеллоу синг? ноу сенкс!
клейри: оукей, оукей, джаст траин ту
кэти: хє кєн ай бороу йор амбрелла инстед?
клейри: йес, шур о, хенг а миныт!
кэти: уат?