1. On festive occasions sweets are served (наст простое пассив) at the end of a meal. По праздникам конфеты подаются в конце еды (обеда). 2. She stood in the shadows of the jungle, knowing that she must have been followed (мод.глаг "должен" + инфинитив перфекта в пассиве) by the Indians. Она стояла в тени деревьев (в гуще джунглей), зная, что индейцы должны преследовать её(или просто "следовать за ней" перф.пасиив) before we got in the theatre.Все билеты были уже проданы до того , как мы попали в театр. 4. Students will be examined (будущее простое пассивное) next Friday.Экзамен у студентов в след.пятницу или Студентов проэкзаменуют в след.пятницу прост. пассив) in 1929. Роман "Прощание с оружием" был издан в 1929.
About the Cat Woman. The Cat Woman is a superhero created by american comic authors. Just like her title says, she is a woman that looks like a cat. She is fast, agile and very acrobatic just like a cat. She's usually portrayed as an evil person, because even though she defeated bad people, she stole money from them. But in the end she gave the money from evil rich people to poor people. In the end she fights crime and does good for the others. I like the Cat Woman a lot, because she's a good character. She is interesting and very cool, in my opinion.
The Cat Woman is a superhero created by american comic authors. Just like her title says, she is a woman that looks like a cat. She is fast, agile and very acrobatic just like a cat. She's usually portrayed as an evil person, because even though she defeated bad people, she stole money from them. But in the end she gave the money from evil rich people to poor people. In the end she fights crime and does good for the others.
I like the Cat Woman a lot, because she's a good character. She is interesting and very cool, in my opinion.