Correct the sentences. 1.d.defoe wrote his novels in the 19th century. 2.d.defoe wrote his novel about robinson crusoe when he was young. 3.the adventures of robenson crusoe aren't real. 4.the novel wasn't popular in the 18th century,it became popular later. 5.d.defoe wrote his book for children. 6.d.defoe is called "the father of english prose" for his detective stories.
Hello, my name is (имя). I'm a young teacher who came to this school about a year ago. And I had the first prom (пер. Выпускной вечер/бал) yesterday. It was amazing ! My children with their parents, and me also, were preparing two weeks and when it was finally done we were so happy ! We ate together, played, told different interesting stories and had fun ! I was very impressed ! I think in the future I will repeat that. I think we - children, parents and me - were united. Hope they will reach all of the goals they were all spoking about.
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