Creativity Project: Do I get enough exercise?
Listen and read.
Look at my project on ways POSTA
get exercise. What exercise do I do
on school days? What exercise do
Do I get enough exercise?
I do at the weekend?
Every week I get lots of exercise. From Monday to Friday, I walk to School
and back home. It takes fifteen minutes each way. At school, we have PE
twice a week for an hour on Monday
and Thursday. We do gym and we also
play football
. At break time, I play football and fag in the playground
with my friends. After School, I go to
Swimming lessons once a week on Friday.
I'm also a member of a club where I play
badminton on Saturday. At the weekend,
I walk the dog and I
go jogging with my
dad. On Sunday, we cycle in the park.
In this photo I'm walking I think I get about eleven hours of
the dog with my sister. exercise every week. When I do exercise, I
feel good about myself.
Here my friends are playing football
I get hungry and thirsty and I sleep well.
in the school playground.
By Azamat
This picture shows a young person (girl). As you can see in the picture, she is sitting in the phone. At the moment, a lot of young people are sitting in smartphones, gadgets, and so on. Without spending time studying, reading, etc. Sitting in smartphones can be both useful and not useful. It may be useful that you can read books and so on do not spend time in vain and it is not useful to sit in games for hours which contributes to poor vision. Don't sit on your phones for too long if you want good eyesight.