id you know that Huso huso, Panthera uncia and Aquila nipalensis are all
species native to Kazakhstan? Perhaps you know these animals better by
their common names, the beluga sturgeon, the snow leopard and the steppe
eagle. Scientific names are not often used by the general public, so have you
ever wondered about their origin, or why every known species on Earth has
1) He was in a cafe when I saw him.
2) He was sitting in a cafe when I saw him.
3) My friend came to visit me yesterday.
4) My tooth was broken when I was eating a nut.
5) My friends were discussing something when I came in.
6) My friend was talking to the teacher when I saw him.
7) I haven't seen him since he moved into his new apartment.
8) I was watching TV when the phone rang.
9) My Mom was watching TV when I came back from school.
10) I was sitting on the bank of the river when my friends came.
И в первом же году он добыл Филосовский камень созданный Николосом Оф Фланери и этим завоевал уважение професораДамблдора. Во второй год обучения он убил змея Василиска мечом Гожрика Грифиндора и унечтожил крестраж дневник Тома Рдля. В третий год своего обучения у профессора Люпина он обучался заклинанию Патронус Чар. И поборов 100 дементоров он освободил своего крестного отца Сириуса Блека сбежавщего из магической тюрьмы Азкабан. И так дальше можно писать о Гарри Поттере но я остановлюсь. Гарри Поттер очень храбрый и вот по этому я написал свое сочинение именно о нем.