Даны местоимения языка x и их переводы на язык в перепутанном порядке (в скобках указано существительное, к которому могло бы относиться соответствующее местоимение): noako, noko, ona, onakin, noa, onko те (мальчики), тот (нож), этот (нож), эти (ножи), те два (ножа), эти (мальчики
Peter answered that she saw he hadn't finished his article by the day after this and that would take the whole day and he was afraid.
Ann asked if it had upstet his plans
Peter answered that she was right and he had have got tickets for hamlet with the famous english actor who had just arrived. He asked her if she knows what he meant
Ann answered she did. And she asked him if it was awfully difficul to get the tickets. She told him to dont be upstet wthey would though of smth. She asked if she could come and help him with the article.
Peter answered that it would be wonderful, and they could went to the theater together after they had have finished. he asked if she would like to join him.
Ann answered that she would be delighted
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Hello to Lena,
How do you? How is your health? I am fine. Recently, the cat gave birth to 4 kittens. They are very beautiful and playful. I really love animals, and cats especially. Do you like cats? I think so, because you, I know, have a dog Jack. At school, we experienced a change. Build a new gym and pool. Workers work all day. And how do you learn? Probably on one 5? Study is difficult, but everything is within our power. Write to me more often!