About vladimir vladimirovich putin can say a lot. it creates the impression of an intelligent, clever man who can be trusted to manage the country. has a great mind and a good reaction to the events. putin is a very organized person. it's quite a challenge, given the profession of vladimir. he is a very educated person, easily and correctly makes decisions about new laws or amendments to it. mr putin likes to help people, trying to do everything to the life of the russians was better: increase pensions, ensure that built more affordable housing mortgage and many more things. vladimir vladimirovich is trying to solve the most vital problems of our country. putin leads healthy lifestyle. keen on sports: swimming, alpine skiing, is a master of sports in judo and sambo. all these hobbies help to maintain good physical shape. the force with which mr putin keeps power in the hands of, to judge him as a hard man, able to enforce its decisions. all these qualities are respected by the russians and try to imitate them.
Нужно нарисовать или найти картинку рептилии и млекопитающего и представить их классу (описать их).
1. It's a snake. It's a reptile. It has got a long body, but it hasn't got legs. It hasn't got ears. Snakes can move but they can't walk.
Это змея. Она является рептилией. У нее есть длинное тело, но нет ног. У нее нет ушей. Змеи могут двигаться, но не могут ходить.
2. It's a dog. It's a mammal. It has got four legs and a tail. It can walk, run and jump.
Это собака. Она является млекопитающим. У нее четыре ноги и хвост. Она может ходить, бегать и прыгать.