Дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. Чи сильно відрізняються уельси зовнішнім виглядом від своїх сусідів у Великобританії? 2. Чи пишаються валлійці своєю нацією? 3. Що можна сказати валлійцям з англійської? 4. Якою є їх мова? 5. У чому особливість їхнього мовлення? 6. Чи люблять уельси слухати гарну мову? 7. Чи критичні вони як аудиторія? 8. Яке їхнє ставлення до мови? 9. Чи люблять вони співати? 10. Який внесок валлійської літератури у національну культуру? 8.
Edinburgh Castle dominates the city of Edinburgh like no other castle in Scotland, and Edinburgh Castle is unequalled in the whole of the British Isles. Over one thousand years of history sit on top of the famous Edinburgh rock, and when you see Edinburgh Castle you will understand why over a million visitors a year visit Edinburgh Castle.
We have a fantastic selection of Edinburgh city centre accommodation, with self-catering flats, and self-catering apartments and private rooms with self-catering facilities. All our self-catering units are close to all the Edinburgh International Festival attractions.
We will be happy for you to contact us by phone, or by e-mail, if you have any questions on Edinburgh Castle, or Edinburgh and the surrounding area.
2. "Stay for dinner", - we told them.
3. "I am sorry for forgetting your birthday", - apologized she.
4. "You stole my wallet", - he accused her.
5. "I will help you organize the party", - he ageed.
6. "Stay away from the water", - they warned children.
7. "I will write every week", - she promised.
8. "If you misbehave I will tell the teacher", - he threatened.
9. "I advise you to study hard for the exams", - I said.
10. "Let's go for a walk!" - she suggested.
11. "It's not my fault", - he explained.
12. "We won't open your letter", - they said.
13. "Let me help you with the housework", - she offered.
14. "You are always tired!" - he complained.
15. "Come to our party", - they said.
16. "I will call the police if you do it again", - threatened she.