ДАЮ Задание 3 ( ).
Ergänzen Sie die Sätze. Setzen Sie "mein"/"dein" oder "meine"/"deine". Необходимо заполнить пропуски в предложениях, употребляя притяжательные местоимения "mein"/"dein" или "meine"/"deine" в нужной форме.
Например: Hallo, Maria! Das ist meine Freundin (die) Olga. (В скобках указан артикль для понимания, какого рода слово.)
Ich bin Stefan. Das ist Buch (das).
Peter, ist das Schere (die)? — Ja, das ist ___ Schere.
Wie ist Adresse (die), Maria?
Anna, woher kommt Freund (der)?
Ich wohne in Berlin und Telefonnummer (die) ist 849392.
2. Uncle Bill asked us where our parents were.
3. She told John to stop smoking.
4. He told us not to be late.
5. She promised to talk to Susan.
6. He said to me that he had come there to meet Jane.
7. They asked us if she knew anything about his problem.
8. My friend asked me which book I had taken.
9. She asked Mabel if she had heard that song.
10. Mary said to us that he could not speak any foreign languages.
11. Mary said to me that she didn't know how much the dress cost.