Music is one of the most important part of our life. We can hear it everywhere: on streets, in cafe and etc. There are many kinds of music: rock, pop, rap, jazz, folk, classical and others. I prefer ...(и пиши, какие тебе виды музыки нравятся). I chose this kinds because there are ...(выбери, что тебе нужно: interesting, beautiful, rhythmic, had a nice melody). Music have many elements. There are: rhythm, melody, tempo and others. It affects on the composition of work or song. Music influence on the character of man. In my opinion every man must listen to music because it is one parts of cultural life of humanity.
1. Is the first cake tasty?-Yes, it is. 2. Was the fourth lesson difficult?-Yes, it was. 3. Was there a wolf under the tree?-Yes, there was. 4. Can her second teacher sing well?-Yes, he can. 5. Are they happy to be at school again?-Yes, they are. 6. Will he answer our questions?-Yes, he will. 7. Shall we take pictures?-Yes, we shall. 8. Would he like to take care of the dog?-Yes, he would. 9. Were the boys in the forest?-Yes, they were. 10. Must she come to the second party?-Yes, she must.
2. Was the fourth lesson difficult?-Yes, it was.
3. Was there a wolf under the tree?-Yes, there was.
4. Can her second teacher sing well?-Yes, he can.
5. Are they happy to be at school again?-Yes, they are.
6. Will he answer our questions?-Yes, he will.
7. Shall we take pictures?-Yes, we shall.
8. Would he like to take care of the dog?-Yes, he would.
9. Were the boys in the forest?-Yes, they were.
10. Must she come to the second party?-Yes, she must.