Describe your ideal computer system. Give reasons for your choices.
It's got...
It's very fast.
It runs at...
The standard RAM memory is... and it's expandable...
The hard disk can hold...
I need a large, fiat LCD screen because...
As for the Internet,...
а) [s] - Looks, speaks, drinks, puts, walks, coughs, helps, eats, writes.
[z] - Drives, rides, opens, stays, knows, sees, travels, rains.
[iz] - Catches, brushes, dances, rises, matches, wishes, loses, arranges.
Walking, studying, laughing, playing, looking, sleeping, talking, mending, cooking,
drawing, drinking, throwing.
Swimming, shopping, running, stopping, sitting, putting, cancelling.
Dancing, writing, smoking, diving, taking, typing.
Lying, dying, trying, tying, applying.