Деякі люди кажуть що підлітки повинні працювати неповний робочий день і заробляти гроші. таким чином вони засвоять основні уроки про роботу та стануть більш дисциплінованими.інші сперечаються що підлітки не повинні жертвувати своєю роботою для відпочинку та позашкільної роботи. розкрийте обидва погляди і дайте свою думку. напишіть 250слів навівши причини своєї відповіді та включіть будь-які відповідні приклади знання чи досвід (есе на ійській мові).
Greetings, readers of RAP.
Hi all, my name is (ваше имя) and I'm a student from Russia. I really enjoy cycling, especially off-road. I like the blowing wind that hits my face when I ride downhill and the feeling of satisfaction when I climb a steep mountain on a bicycle. However, I would also be delighted to travel around the city using my bike, but unfortunately the infrastructure is too poor to meet my needs. I wish cycling was more popular here in Russia. Now it's not safe enough to cycle through the city, at least yet.
Have a good one, (ваше имя)
1)Before going on holidays last summer, we could pile up all our luggage on top of the car.
2)We had paint our walls again because somebody spoilt them with graffiti.
3)My mother wasn't on duty last Saturday, so we had go to the cinema together.
4)The fridge was full, so I could go shopping.
5) I had lost my keys and could open the door
6)In the early twentieth century, people didn't have cars. That's why they had walk a lot.
7)At that time, there was no electricity, so had use people candles and oil lamps.
8)My uncle and aunt could buy their house thanks to some financial help from the government.