2. Steven Jones
A: What is your name?
B: Steven
A: And your surname?
B: Jones
A: How do you spell it?
B: J-O-N-E-S
3. George Andlers
B: George
B: Andlers
B: A-N-D-L-E-R-S
4. Antonio Marques
B: Antonio
B: Marques
B: M-A-R-Q-U-E-S
5. Lillian Brown
B: Lillian
B: Brown
B: B-R-O-W-N
6. Mario Rosseti
B: Mario
B: Rosseti
B: R-O-double S-E-T-I
7. Ivan Petrou
B: Ivan
B: Petrou
B: P-E-T-R-O-U
8. Rosa Estebar
B: Rosa
B: Estebar
B: E-S-T-E-B-A-R
2. What's your address?
>128 Bogenbai Batyr Street.
How do you spell it?
>B-O-G-E-N-B-A-I B-A-T-Y-R
What's your phone number?
>Double five-two-four-three-five-eight-nine.
3. What's your address?
>16 Abai Avenue
>Double two-nine-four-double three-one-eight.
4. What's your address?
>97 Newton Street
5. What's your address?
>38 Melrose Street
>Three-double seven-two-five-nine-two-one.
2. Steven Jones
A: What is your name?
B: Steven
A: And your surname?
B: Jones
A: How do you spell it?
B: J-O-N-E-S
3. George Andlers
A: What is your name?
B: George
A: And your surname?
B: Andlers
A: How do you spell it?
B: A-N-D-L-E-R-S
4. Antonio Marques
A: What is your name?
B: Antonio
A: And your surname?
B: Marques
A: How do you spell it?
B: M-A-R-Q-U-E-S
5. Lillian Brown
A: What is your name?
B: Lillian
A: And your surname?
B: Brown
A: How do you spell it?
B: B-R-O-W-N
6. Mario Rosseti
A: What is your name?
B: Mario
A: And your surname?
B: Rosseti
A: How do you spell it?
B: R-O-double S-E-T-I
7. Ivan Petrou
A: What is your name?
B: Ivan
A: And your surname?
B: Petrou
A: How do you spell it?
B: P-E-T-R-O-U
8. Rosa Estebar
A: What is your name?
B: Rosa
A: And your surname?
B: Estebar
A: How do you spell it?
B: E-S-T-E-B-A-R
2. What's your address?
>128 Bogenbai Batyr Street.
How do you spell it?
>B-O-G-E-N-B-A-I B-A-T-Y-R
What's your phone number?
>Double five-two-four-three-five-eight-nine.
3. What's your address?
>16 Abai Avenue
How do you spell it?
What's your phone number?
>Double two-nine-four-double three-one-eight.
4. What's your address?
>97 Newton Street
How do you spell it?
What's your phone number?
5. What's your address?
>38 Melrose Street
How do you spell it?
What's your phone number?
>Three-double seven-two-five-nine-two-one.